I have read a lot about this slow train to Thazi and how it is an incredible experience to have in Myanmar. I read a lot of different opinions about it and I decided that I must to it as[…]
Discovering Kakku Pagodas, close to Inle Lake
This is my last day to explore Inle Lake area and I had already seen much of what’s around. Together at the hostel with 2 more solo travelers I met, we decided to visit Kakku Pagodas. We bought the trip[…]
Red Mountain Estate -Wine tasting at Inle Lake
During my 3rd day in Inle Lake area, I met again with Sofia, a traveler I met in Bagan. That’s one of the good things about traveling alone. You get to know many people and eventually meet them again in[…]
Inle Lake Myanmar: afternoon boat tour
During this Inle lake Myanmar boat tour, we still have visited a lot more than mentioned in the previous post. After having lunch in a floating restaurant we went to visit Indein Village. I love this place!! We were crossing[…]
Inle Lake boat tour: an amazing day
I’m staying in the Inle Lake area for 4 days, which is a lot, but I always find something to do. On my second day, I did an Inle Lake boat tour. I did it with the hostel I’m staying[…]
Myanmar music- the reflection of a country
Just like in India I have some music that keeps me nostalgic about each experience I lived in the country, the same happens with Myanmar. I get in contact with Myanmar music on my bus ride from Bagan to Inle[…]
I reach Inle Lake after cycling 1h30
It’s my first day in Inle Lake preserved area and this looks like such a calm place!! There are also not a lot of tourists so I love it. I rent a bike in the hostel I’m staying and I[…]
Getting from Bagan to Inle Lake by bus
I’m taking a bus from Bagan to Inle Lake, and this time it is a real bus. I mean, it matches my concept of a bus. Once again I have chosen the cheapest option the hostel had to offer and[…]
Cycling around Bagan on my last day
On my last day, I was cycling around Bagan, Myanmar, I was alone, so I decided to rent a bike instead of an e-bike. Riding a bike is much harder but I’m not confident enough to ride this e-bike alone.[…]