I got to travel thanks to other travel bloggers that share their experiences and advice about each destination. Their travel experience was the only source of information I got to organize my trip and also feel inspired to do the same. That’s why I like to share others travel experience and not only mine.
Of course, they are inspiring others with their travel blog: TRAVEL B4 SETTLE, stating that we should meet the world before settling down and start building a stable life. Here’s what they have to say:
How did this idea of being a traveler come to life? What was the motivation?
We are both adventurous and the passion for traveling has been following us for some years already. We decided that as soon as we both were graduated we would find a job and actually live in a different country. We didn’t know which country but we knew we wouldn’t stay long too since we loved the idea of living in different places throughout our life. With this, a few months before Miguel finishing his Master’s, we saw a Facebook Ad of a successful blogger that has been traveling and living from his laptop for the last 4 years and wanted to show everyone how is possible. We enrolled in his Webinar and learned the concept of what is a Digital Nomad and that was a big community out there who has the dream mobility and live from their laptops. We got so excited about that idea, that the ‘supposed path’ was left behind in an eye-blink. The big motivation for our lifestyle was the freedom we both dreamed of!
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What destination left the biggest mark on you?
This one is easy: INDIA. People say you either love it or hate it. We don’t think of it like that. The reality and cultural differences are so big in everything you can think of, that if you accept it when you accept it, it is impossible not to be one of the most enriching and valuable experiences a person can have. However, we recommend not traveling there for more than a month in a row to avoid crossing the hate line, since it is such an intense and exhausting experience. We stayed for 2 hahaha.
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What was your favorite country?
We know it may sound cliché, but our favorite was Thailand. It is such a complete country: Beautiful nature, great food, AMAZING people, beaches, mountains, temples, FRUIT and even the impact of the religion in the country is beautiful! Of course, it has some over-touristic areas which we hated, but we respect and avoid them. For some reason, this has been such a popular destination for so long!
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What culture or local habit most impressed you?
There was a couple of them who impressed us, one positively and the other negatively. First was in Bali, according to their calendar the new year is in March when we were there and there are beautiful ceremonies and rules. During the first day of the year, no one is allowed to leave their houses, to make noise or use any electricity. It’s like a re-set day, where you are supposed to reconnect with what is really important: you, your family and nature. The result is a very familiar atmosphere and a sky full of stars because there are no lights on! Just beautiful!
The second one was being very close to the Indian traditions regarding to the marriage when we were staying with an Indian family. It was impressing to see the fiancee for the first time along with the groom and even more impressive, the moment the fiancee’s family pays to the groom’s family (as from now on they will take care and sustain the girl). All the games and ceremonies of integrating the woman in the man’s family and leaving her own family behind. Again, is just different, but, according to our beliefs doesn’t make sense this lack of freedom.
What advice would you give to others that want to travel while working online?
The best advise we can give are first of all believing it is possible to achieve the dream lifestyle because it is! And there are so many people doing it nowadays. Once that belief is well installed and stuck forever, then comes the second advice: Never stop learning! Learning is winning, and nowadays with the internet in everyone’s hands, everyone can become whatever they want to, if they are willing to put the effort in, and learning what it takes to achieve whatever they want to. As we normally say, we are a ‘google search’ away of knowing anything in life.
Any secret to making it happen?
We truly believe the secret to making anything happen is your mindset towards it. First, the decision must be strong. Strong enough to hold you when things go wrong, to hold when people (many times family) tell you it won’t work and your decision was a mistake. Society won’t understand, because these are new opportunities, new technologies, new realities. Society isn’t ready for it, it is still molded to the old ones. You must resist all this while your project is taking off because it will take time. Persistence is entrepreneurship’s best friend.
Don’t miss all their adventures on Instagram!
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